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    Total 3 Records Found

    Arthritis and Rheumatism
    Published by: Philadelphia, American College of Rheumatology, Lippincott - Raven Publishers (United States of America)
    Subject: Medical Sciences - Rheumatology
    Language: English
    Published: 1958
    ISSN: 0004-3591

    Available at 4 Universities.

    Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases
    Published by: Philadelphia, W B Saunders Company (United States of America)
    Subject: Medical Sciences - Cardiovascular Diseases
                  Medical Sciences - Hematology
    Published: 1958
    ISSN: 0033-0620

    Available at 5 Universities.

    Current Contents : Life Sciences
    Published by: Philadelphia, Institute for Scientific Information (United States of America)
    Subject: Biology - Abstracting
    Language: English
    Published: 1958
    ISSN: 0011-3409

    Available at 59 Universities.