
Theses and dissertations are known to be the rich and unique source of information, often the only source of research work that does not find its way into various publication channels. The Thesis database contains records of Ph.D thesis submitted to Indian University based on the notifications received from respective Universities. Union database of Theses covers the Metadata of Doctoral Theses submitted to 460 Universities/Institutes in India. It has 4,52,611 unique records from all subject areas.
The number of records and participating universities have been increased manifold as new records from the Shodhganga have been imported directly.

Data Count



Shodhganga is a digital repository of Indian Electronic Theses and Dissertations set-up by the INFLIBNET Centre. Shodhganga stands for the reservoir of Indian intellectual output stored in a repository hosted and maintained by the INFLIBNET Centre. All the records which are available in ShodhGanga are also available in IndCat's Thesis database. The IndCat's thesis database only provides metadata and has a link for the full-text thesis and the users will be redirected to the ShodhGanga for full-text access.