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    Total 51 Records Found

    Indian Journal of Cancer
    Published by: Bombay, Indian Cancer Society (India)
    Subject: Medical Sciences - Oncology
    Language: English
    Published: 1963
    ISSN: 0019-509X

    Available at 19 Universities.

    Indian Journal of Helminthology
    Published by: New Delhi, Helminthological Society of India (India)
    Subject: Medical Sciences - Communicable Diseases
    Language: English
    Published: 1948
    ISSN: 0019-5227

    Available at 9 Universities.

    Herald of Library Science
    Published by: Lucknow, P. Kaula Endowment for Library and Information Science (India)
    Subject: Library And Information Sciences
    Language: English
    Published: 1962
    ISSN: 0018-0521

    Available at 111 Universities.

    Economic Intelligence Service
    Published by: Mumbai, Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (India)
    Subject: Economics & Commerce
    Language: English
    Published: 1976

    Available at 29 Universities.

    World Trade Research and Information Report
    Published by: Bombay, MVIRDC World Trade Centre (India)

    Available at 4 Universities.

    Sankhya Series A
    Published by: Calcutta, Indian Statistical Institute (India)
    Subject: Statistics
    Language: English
    Published: 1933
    ISSN: 0581-572x

    Available at 77 Universities.

    Indian Journal of Social Research
    Published by: Delhi, Academic & Law Serials (India)
    Subject: Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works
    Language: English
    Published: 1960
    ISSN: 0019-5626

    Available at 38 Universities.

    Science Reporter
    Published by: Ministry of Science & Technology * Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (India)
    Subject: Sciences: Comprehensive Works
    Language: English
    Published: 1964
    ISSN: 0036-8512

    Available at 80 Universities.

    Indian Science Abstracts
    Published by: New Delhi, National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources and Information Resources (India)
    Subject: Abstracting And Indexing Services
                  Sciences: Comprehensive Works - Abstracting, Bibliographies, Statistics
    Language: English
    Published: 1965
    ISSN: 0019-6339

    Available at 83 Universities.

    Journal of Education and Psychology
    Published by: Vallabh Vidyanagar, Sardar Patel University (India)
    Subject: Education
    Language: English
    Published: 1943
    ISSN: 0022-0590

    Available at 26 Universities.