An Umbrella to cover the Indian Universities Books, Theses & Serials Database ( Bibliographical )

Bibliographical Details
Language English
Author Basham, A L
Title The Wonder that was India
Place London
PublisherSidgwick and Jackson
Physical Description xxi,568
Subject Description History
Holding Details
University Accession No. Class No.
University of Burdwan1944954.01
University of Calcutta172740
SNDT Women's University, Mumbai001417 CR954


The development of Union Databases of various library resources i.e. Books, Theses and Serials have been one of the most important activities of the Centre since its inception. In the beginning, the Centre has funded potential universities of the country for creating bibliographic records of their library collections.

The Centre has developed "IndCat: Online Union Catalogue of Indian Universities" that contains bibliographic records of Books, Theses and Serials contributed by participating universities in all disciplines, i.e. Computer Science, Philosophy, Religion, Social Sciences, Technology, Arts, Literature, History and Science.

Currently IndCat Book Database has 1,63,44,485 Unique Records with 2,40,49,663 holding details of 536 Indian Universities, Theses Database has 4,52,143 Unique Ph.D Records of 100 Universities, Serial Database has 37,153 Records of 238 Institutions.
