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    Total 5 Records Found

    Herald of Library Science
    Published by: Lucknow, P. Kaula Endowment for Library and Information Science (India)
    Subject: Library And Information Sciences
    Language: English
    Published: 1962
    ISSN: 0018-0521

    Available at 111 Universities.

    Annals of Library Science and Documentation
    Published by: New Delhi, Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre (India)
    Subject: Library And Information Sciences
                  Computers - Information Science And Information
    Published: 1954
    ISSN: 0003-4835

    Available at 100 Universities.

    Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
    Published by: Springer (India) Private Ltd. (India)
    Subject: Mathematics
    Language: English
    Published: 1970
    ISSN: 0019-5588, 0975-7465

    Available at 96 Universities.

    Srels Journal of Information Management
    Published by: Karnataka, Informatics Publishing (India) Ltd. (India)
    Subject: Library And Information Sciences - Computer Applications
    Language: English
    Published: 1964
    ISSN: 0972-2467, 0976-2477

    Available at 73 Universities.

    Indian Journal of Chemistry. Section A, Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical and Analytical Chemistry
    Published by: New Delhi, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (India)
    Subject: Chemistry
    Language: English
    Published: 1976
    ISSN: 0376-4710

    Available at 119 Universities.